when everything begins to happen within

Yuri Cunha

February 10, 2025

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we rewrite our story from within

we rewrite our story from within

No matter how much the world spins, how many pages the calendar sheds as the months pass. No matter the paths we walk, the people who drift through our days, or the countless events swirling around us each moment.

Something becomes meaningful when it touches us in some way. It’s the way we look, the way we listen, the chance to see what we’ve never allowed ourselves to notice. Everything feels utterly unremarkable unless it captivates us in a meaningful way. A book is only good if we connect with it—if it awakens joy, dreams, and possibilities, even unreal ones. A book is only good when it makes us dream and live the greatest story without leaving our seat. We must see every detail with our heart, our soul, with the taste of emotion.

Life is a book. Your book. How have you responded to the stories written in its chapters? Can you truly smile? Did you manage to laugh at least once today? How do you react to the details of your day as seen through your own eyes? Can you laugh at your stumbles and keep moving forward, or do you obsess over why you weren’t "good enough" to avoid falling? Can you embrace "no" to seek a new "yes"? Have you paused, even for a moment, to look up at the sky and see the stars always shining on your path? Have you stopped to marvel at how incredible that is? We are grains of sand in an infinite universe. But have you considered the immensity of feeling? The scent of perfume, the aroma of morning coffee, the intoxicating fragrance of life that intoxicates us daily as a new opportunity. The taste of loving deeply. Of risking a new step. Of stepping into the unknown abyss. Of stealing a kiss, giving the warmest embrace you can muster. Of showing your feelings without fear of being ignored, misunderstood, or seeming foolish or crazy.

Truthfully, as I walk my own path, I’ve realized: everything around us changes when we let everything happen here—inside me. Inside you. We must permit ourselves new ways of seeing our days, new ways of understanding our emotions, new ways of striving to thrive. Often, everything shifts when we shift our perspective. When we step beyond our comfort zone. When we stop settling for mediocrity in our habitual way of living. Life becomes predictable when we ignore the magic in every detail. When we let routine numb our senses and dictate how we react to the expected.

Have you surprised anyone today? Yesterday? This month? Have you done something you’re proud of? Was it out of the ordinary, or part of your routine? Have you been surprised? Yes, I know—it sounds repetitive. But there are endless ways to feel something new. Endless ways to see the same day. To find beauty along the journey. And the path we walk is far more beautiful when shared with someone special—to share dreams, hugs, smiles, tenderness. To share different perspectives, unique dreams, and common joys. Have you ever stopped to think how precious those people are? The ones whose simplicity makes us laugh, who understand us, and create something wondrous within us?

This is why loving someone and being loved in return is extraordinary. Because suddenly, everything begins to unfold within us. Life gains a new flavor. Familiar places feel transformed. Paths that once felt burdensome become lighter. Routines that once dimmed our spirits now crack open to reveal new opportunities. The scent of fresh coffee in the morning awakens us to the day—but great love awakens us to life. And if that love isn’t found in another, let it at least begin with the essential: love for yourself. The ability to laugh at your mistakes, your flaws, and your struggles.

Life is a fleeting breath. But like a breath, we can shake off the dust and awaken to new wonders as we live. This doesn’t mean we won’t face hardships or profound sorrows—it means that seeking new ways to interpret life’s gestures, words, and challenges helps us find strength when storms arrive. It’s the light of the sun, and the light we carry within, that will guide us to dawn after a dark night. Everything is transient—including each of us. But as long as we live, there is always a chance to begin anew. To grow. To thrive.

Cherish the journey. See it through the eyes of your heart. Every moment is a gift, a miracle, a blessing. Every stumble, every hardship, every scar is often a lesson waiting to be learned. Every person who crosses your path is unique—a teacher, a gift, a memory sweet or bitter. We become what we choose to keep from each encounter. We are a collection of moments, people, and emotions—a tapestry of experiences, memories, and feelings. Why not keep the best of everyone?

And for those who’ve changed your life for the better, who still walk beside you—have you taken pride in what you’ve become to them? Have you held their hands, even when it’s hard? Do you show your affection daily? Do you let yourself feel, or do you fear judgment? A kind word can alter someone’s day. A small surprise can become a lifelong memory. You can be better than you are—so be. Move with grace, unafraid to be yourself. Don’t wait to see “what could have been” when the chance is gone. Let yourself be amazed. Let yourself notice the details. So much beauty hides in every moment—discover it. Life is allowing yourself to marvel at the mysteries within the mundane. If life is a song, dare to discover new rhythms and melodies for the same chorus. Everything changes when you start truly feeling what stirs within you.


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Yuri Cunha
